Is It a Subscription and How Do I Order?

No commitment, no fee to cancel, no lock-in

Whether you choose the single delivery of a 28-day box of food or our subscription plan, you are not locked in. Our competitors try to hide these fees in their fine print; they'll charge as much as $99 if you try to cancel. There is no fee to cancel with Personal Trainer Food, not even in the fine print.

The 28-day box gives you the freedom to order when you want; there is no auto-delivery, auto-ship, or auto-billing.

The 14-day subscription box offers the convenience of auto-delivery and auto-billing but you are in total control.

You can change, skip, or cancel without fees or trouble. It's all up to you.


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talk About PTF:

Very easy to order and stop ordering, great online system great online chat help available; never felt trapped in a cycle of unending automatic orders. -– D.N.

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